
此通知描述文華東方酒店集團*的一般私隱條款。一經瀏覽 www.mandarinoriental.com,即接受此通知所述的措施。
1. What Information About You Do We Collect?

Mandarin Oriental collects your information to operate effectively and provide you with the best experiences with our services. The specific kind of information collected will depend on the context of your interactions with Mandarin Oriental, and the services you use. The following are examples of the information that may be collected:


  • Contact information (such as name, email address, mailing address, and phone number);
  • Payment information (including payment card numbers, billing address, and bank account information);
  • Demographic data (such as age, gender, country, and preferred language);
  • Information related to your reservation, stay, or visit to a property (including the Mandarin Oriental hotels where you have stayed, date of arrival and departure, and goods and services purchased);
  • Information necessary to fulfill your special requests and/or specific accommodations;
  • Loyalty program member information, online account details, profile or password details and any frequent flyer or travel partner program affiliation;
  • Copies of your correspondence if you contact us;
  • Your interests and preferences;
  • Information collected through the use of closed circuit television systems, card key and other security systems; and
  • Information related to your use and interaction with our website.


There may be instances in which the personal information that you provide to us or that we collect is considered sensitive personal information under the privacy laws of some jurisdictions (e.g. food allergies, medical conditions, biometric information, credit card information, location data depending on the definition of sensitive personal information under the relevant jurisdiction). We only process sensitive personal information in your jurisdiction if and to the extent permitted or required by applicable law (e.g. so that we can ensure we tailor our services to you accordingly in terms of food allergies and medical conditions, to ensure we can process card payments).


We collect the above information in a variety of ways, including:


  • Information You Give Us: We receive and store information you enter on our website or give us in any other way, including, for example, when you stay as a guest at hotels managed by us. You decide how much information to share with us in most cases, but not sharing required information may limit your ability to engage in certain activities, such as payment information required to complete your reservation. If you submit any personal information relating to another person (e.g., if you make a reservation for another individual), you represent that you are authorised by that person to do so and to permit us to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You also represent that the information you provide is accurate.
  • Automatic Information: When you use or interact with our website and/or use any apps that we may make available on our website, we receive and store information generated by your activity and information automatically collected from your browser or mobile device. For example, like many websites, we obtain certain information when your web browser accesses our website including your IP address, browser type, operating system, mobile network data, pages viewed and access times. This information helps us to communicate with our customers and better understand them.
  • Security Systems: When you visit our managed properties, information may be collected about you through such properties’ closed circuit television systems, electronic key cards and other security systems.
  • Information from Other Sources: We may receive information about you from other sources, such as public databases, joint marketing partners, and other third parties. This may include information from your travel agent, airline, credit card, and other partners.
  • Age Limitations: Mandarin Oriental does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from our websites from any person under the age of 18. Mandarin Oriental may collect personally identifiable information from people under the age of 18 as part of the guest registration process, but always with the consent of such person’s parent or guardian.
2. 我們如何使用您的資料?



  • 履行預訂及其他購物操作:我們可能處理有關您與我們之間及/或透過我方網站所訂立交易的資料(「交易資料」)。處理交易資料的目的包括:完成訂房、提供所購買的商品及服務、依照您的偏好度身訂造服務、尋求您對我方酒店住宿的意見、妥為備存該等交易的記錄。
  • 會籍計劃:為管理和營運自願會籍計劃,包括 Fans of M.O. 計劃、忠誠計劃及飛行常客計劃。可能會為記錄住宿及交易資料、賺取和兌換計劃獎賞、積分或優惠來處理資料。
  • 回應查詢:我們可能處理載於或有關您向我們所發送任何通訊的資料(「通訊資料」)。通訊資料可能包括通訊內容,以及有關通訊的元數據。通訊資料可能會為與您溝通和記帳而受處理。
  • 內部業務目的:為達成我們的內部業務目的,例如數據分析、審計、研發新產品、提升網站、改善服務、識別使用趨勢及到訪模式、釐定推廣活動的有效程度、履行合約義務。
  • 行政及其他溝通:為向您發送有關我方網站、我方條款、條件及政策更改或其他行政資料(例子包括有關您的旅遊預訂的資料,例如預訂確認)。
  • 營銷及推廣:為向您提供有關文華東方酒店集團產品及服務以及我們認為您可能感興趣的其他產品及服務的最新消息及推廣資料,且為舉行抽獎、比賽或其他營銷或推廣活動。
  • 安全及保安:為確保在您到訪我們所管理的酒店及酒店式住宅期間您以及其他賓客和職員的安全。
  • 我們的法律責任:為按照適用法律、法令、傳票或其他法律程序來遵從法律及監管規定或要求。
  • 額外用途:我們亦可能以其他方式使用您的資料,有關方式會在您向我們提供資料時述明。


視乎不同情況,處理您的個人資料的法律基礎蘊含一項或多項以下原因:(i) 您的同意,及/或 (ii) 提供您所要求的服務,及/或 (iii) 合法權益,及/或 (iv) 遵從適用的法律、規例、法令或其他法律程序。

3. Cookie 政策是怎樣的?

我們使用追蹤工具(例如瀏覽器 Cookie 及網絡信標)來向您收集資料。當您使用本網站或我們可能透過我方網站提供的任何應用程式時,我們會持續收集有關用戶的資料。由此,我們可能會透過第三方收集個人資料。按此多加了解此等工具以及箇中操控方式。

4. 文華東方會分享所收到的資料嗎?



  • 任何文華東方酒店集團附屬公司以及擁有我們管理的酒店和酒店式住宅之其他組織;向我們提供您個人資料的代表或旅遊顧問(例如向我們提供您資料的旅行社、個人助理、僱主或配偶)。此類代表或旅遊顧問的名字和聯絡資料將因具體情況而異。如果您對此類代表或旅遊顧問處理您個人資料有任何相關疑問,請聯絡您的代表或旅遊顧問;
  • (經您同意的情況下)與文華東方無關的第三方;
  • 按照我方指示並遵從我方私隱條款以及任何其他適當的保密及安全措施而為我們處理資料的可靠業務合作夥伴;
  • 在我方網站為您提供更相關廣告並鼓勵您再次瀏覽我方網站的營銷及廣告合作夥伴;
  • 第三方服務供應商(例如 Facebook 或 Google),他們會 (i) 為我們提供分析數據,以便我們評估並改進產品和服務,同時 (ii) 幫助我們找出與受眾類似的現有和潛在賓客和客戶,並 (iii) 會提供額外資訊以助我們劃分及了解受眾,以便我們能夠儘可能傳送最相關且具針對性的通訊內容。
  • 擁有、管理或營運我們酒店的水療中心、餐廳、健康俱樂部和其他商店的組織,以便他們提供服務;
  • 與文華東方無關的第三方(如我們真誠相信就以下目的而言屬合理必需:(1) 遵守任何適用法律、規例、法律程序或可強制執行的政府要求;(2) 強制執行適用的服務條款,包括調查潛在的違規事項;(3) 偵察、防止或以其他方式應對欺詐、安全或技術問題;及 (4) 依法所規定或允許下使文華東方、我方用戶或公眾的權利、財產或安全免受損害);及
  • 就銷售我方全部或部分業務營運或資產而言屬必需的範圍內的任何第三方。



5. 文華東方會將資料轉移海外嗎?



  • 香港特別行政區、英國及美國,即本公司辦事處所在之處;
  • 我們管理和營運酒店及酒店式住宅及/或營運銷售辦事處的所在地區,包括智利、中國、捷克共和國、法國、德國、香港特別行政區、印尼、意大利、日本、澳門特別行政區、馬來西亞、摩洛哥、卡塔爾、新加坡、西班牙、聖文森特和格林納丁斯、瑞士、泰國、土耳其、英國及美國;及
  • 我們的第三方服務供應商、顧問、合作夥伴及諮詢顧問所在的其他國家和地區,此等國家和地區不時有變。


如欲了解更多有關上述資料轉移的資訊,請參閱第 4 部分。資料轉移目的國家或地區的私隱保障程度或許不同於收集資料的所在國家或地區,但我們會採取合理措施(例如按照歐盟委員會的標準條款,或其他主要監管機構核准的條款簽訂資料轉移協議),以確保您的個人資料在我們的控制範圍內期間,我們會採用合理的安全及保密程序來處理您的個人資料,以確保個人資料安全保密。



6. 您的資料有多安全?


7. How Long Will Mandarin Oriental Keep Your Information?

To the extent permissible by applicable law, we will retain your personal information for such period as necessary to satisfy or to fulfill the following:


  • the purposes for which that personal information was provided,
  • an identifiable and ongoing business need, including record keeping,
  • a specific legal or regulatory requirement, and/or
  • a requirement to retain records that may be relevant to any notified regulatory investigations or active legal proceedings.


Where there is no sufficient justification to retain such personal information, such personal information will be safely and securely deleted, disposed of, anonymised and/or, where permitted by applicable law, blocked.

8. 如有任何問題或疑慮,或希望存取您的個人資料,可怎樣做?

如您對於個人資料使用或儲存有任何疑慮或疑問,我們的資料保護專員都樂意解答。您可享有的主要權利(視乎適用法律而定)包括:(a) 存取權;(b) 糾正權;(c) 刪除權;(d) 限制處理的權利;(e) 拒絕處理的權利;(f) 資料轉移權利;(g) 向監管當局投訴的權利;(h) 要求提供個人資料處理規則之說明的權利;及 (i) 撤回同意的權利。您可聯絡我們的資料保護專員,以就著您的個人資料行使任何此等權利。如欲聯絡資料保護專員,請傳送電郵至 dataprivacyofficer@mohg.com 或郵寄至香港鰂魚涌華蘭路 18 號太古坊港島東中心 8 樓。

9. 連結網站方面的政策是怎樣的?


10. Change to This Privacy Policy?

This privacy policy will be subject to change from time to time. The effective date of this current privacy policy is set out at the end of this document. Your use of this website constitutes your acceptance of the current terms as set out in this privacy policy.


* "Mandarin Oriental", "Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group", "we", "us" and "ourselves" refers to Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group Limited and its affiliates directly involved in the group’s management and operation of properties around the world, including the local management entities in the following jurisdictions: in the Czech Republic this is Mandarin Oriental Prague S.R.O.; in France this is MOHG Hotel (Paris) SARL; in Germany this is Mandarin Oriental Munich GmbH; in Italy this is Mandarin Oriental Hotel Management (BVI) Limited, Mandarin Oriental (UK) Limited and Mandarin Oriental Residences Management (UK) Limited; in Spain this is Mandarin Oriental Spain SL and Mandarin Oriental Spain Residences SL; in Morocco this is MO Management SARL; in Switzerland this is Mandarin Oriental (Switzerland) SA and Société pour l’Exploitation de Mandarin Oriental (Genève) SA; and in the United Kingdom this is Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park Limited, Mandarin Oriental (UK) Limited and Mandarin Oriental Residences Management (UK) Limited. Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group Limited and the applicable local management entities as set forth above are “data controllers”. The contact details for the data controllers are: by e-mail at: dataprivacyofficer@mohg.com, and by post at: c/o Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group Limited, 8th Floor, One Island East, Taikoo Place, 18 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong.